310MOOD started working with non profit orgniazations on creating capsule collections since 2019. Thinking what a dream it would be by creating unique, fun and meaningful pieces to our cusumers with people that we felt so represented by.
310MOOD x Wild Is Life
“Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”
Wild Is Life is a genuine wildlife sanctuary in Zimbabwe. It is also home to the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery (ZEN), Zimbabwe’s first elephant nursery which rescues, rehabilitates and re-wilds orphaned and injured elephants.
Since Wild Is Lifes' inception 20 years ago, the sanctuary has rescued and rehabilitated more than 300 individual animals - compromising of 18 different species of African wildlife. The Zen Project currently has 25 orphaned elephants in rehabilitation.
310MOOD has teamed up with Wild is life and create the non-profilt capsule collection. By selling the sweatshirts from the collection, 310MOOD will donate all the profits from the collection to Wild is Life.
Each sale of the sweatshirt can help (tbc):
** bottles of milk for Bumi & Buddies,
1- year Food for an adult elephant

The collection is inspired by the most beautiful mo merits with our pets. Every morning walks, park visits, and cuddle time is the simplest and greatest pleasure of life.
We partnered with PAWS CHICAGO for this collection. 50% of the total revenue will be donated to PAWS CHICAGO to help more homeless animals. We thank you for your contribution beautiful holiday with your loved one.